“The Ambassadeur and I
Final Chapter”
Item #B004
US $45.00 per copy
Literally this book is the final chapter
of the classic Ambassadeur reels written by Simon Shimomura, the
Mr. Ambassadeur. This book is not the revised version of “The
Ambassadeur and I” but the new addition. Over 160 pages of
this book contains the sections of Meaning of S.G., Two #10 Ambassadeur
5000DL reels, A Great Discovery of Ambassadeur 5000 with #500000,
Lot Numbers by Model, Ranking of Production Models, Phantom? 5500C
version “00”, Details of Parts, Key Points in Finding
Fake or Wrong Items, etc. You MUST have “The Ambassadeur and
I” to fully understand this book.
Soft cover book.
Author: Simon Shimomura, the columnist of “Ambassadeur Club®
Domestic shipping $4.00
International shipping $14.00 by
First Class Mail